les palmiers ne mentent jamais et ne font jamais de dates jaunes en hiver !


Le palmier , connu en botanique comme r鰯ndant au nom de  Phoenix Dactylifera, est un arbre tr賠ancien qui pousse en irak depuis des milliers d'ann饳

Il y a a peu pres 450 varietes (cultivars) en Irak .

Le cycle de vie des dates commence avec la pollinisation qui en Irak se passe au printemps
La date est d'abord verte et non comestible jusqu'a ce qu'elle atteigne une couleur rouge ou jaune au plus atrd en Septembre

Les dates les plus tardives atteignent donc cette couleur jaune au plus tard en Septembre

or La couleur jaune des dates qui apparaissent sur ces photos ci dessous

illustrant la capture de saddam Hussein ne peuvent pas avoir 鴩 prises en hiver !

les dates n'auraient pas 鴩 ainsi jaunes dans les palmiers !


La photo montrant la cachette de saddam Hussein a donc 鴩 prise au plus tard en Septembre

au moment ou les dates commencent a passer du jaune au orang頼BR>
Si les fruits ne sont pas recolt鳼/DIV>

ils tombent au plus tard de l'arbre en octobre

Le Pentagon nous a donc encore servi un de ces multiples mensonges

en nous faisant croire que cette photo aurait 鴩 prise en decembre

Cette photo qui montre duex soldats americains

soulevant la plaque qui couvrait la cachette de saddam

(qui sourient d'ailleurs pour la photo... ce qui rend assez peu credible la mise en scene) 

Derriere ces soldats on voit clairement le palmier avec les dates jaunes.

Comment se fait il qu'ils n'aient pas tourn頬a scene de cette capture en video ?

mais les photos trahissent la verit頍 ...  cette  cachette de saddam n'a pas 鴩 decouverte

au dela de Septembre


Les menteurs du pentagon ont oubli頵n detail qui les trahit ...

ils ne connaissent rien a la botanique


mais la nature ne ment jamais , elle !



Axis of Logic: Date Trees and Flies in the Ointment

Here it is: clear photographic evidence that the alleged capture of Saddam Hussein was staged More ...


Date Trees and Flies in the Ointment: The U.S. "Capture" of Saddam Hussein, Axis of Logic Commentary, December 22, 2020
By Les Blough, Editor
Dec 22, 2003, 11:15

 Just after the release of the news of the alleged capture of Saddam Hussein by U.S. Troops, I spoke by telephone, with a very good friend of mine in Tehran, who served in the Iran-Iraq war.  I asked him what he thought of the "capture".  He replied, laughing himself, saying,

"Iranians are laughing about it. In the orchard around Saddam's hideout, the dates are on the trees!.  Everyone in Iran knows that dates are harvested in the hottest part of August.  The dates on the trees and the color of the trees tell us the photos of Saddam's hideout were taken in summer.  This is late autumn".

The foilage in the photos of "Saddam's Hideout" are in summer-color

 Photo obtained from Free Republic -
by Axis Researcher, Kevin Brooke)

My Iranian friend's assertions appear to be confirmed by no less than the United States Marine Corps, itself.  Spc. Melissa Walther, reporting for the Marine Expeditionary Force in Iraq reported:  

"As the hot afternoon sun blazed down from an intense, blue sky Aug. 5, military members of the Humanitarian Aid Coordination Center took part in an ancient tradition of the Middle East: the Date Harvest."

On August 11, 2003, The Coalition Joint Task Force Seven also reported their participation in the August date harvest:

"The dates are harvested every two to three days and are taken directly to the local market to be sold, or are dried in the sun and sold as an export product."

In Oil Overshadows Iraq's Sweetest Crop on August 9, 2003, -Agricultural Pioneer reported:

"Taleb Obaid shakes his head at the withered bunches of dates hanging from palm trees at his plantation on the banks of the Euphrates River, in one of Iraq's most important date-growing regions. "The insects have ruined my dates this year," Obaid says, pointing to wispy strands in trees that should be sagging under a heavy load of ripening fruit, but now flutter in the hot breeze. 'I'm worried about the future for me and the other farmers around here who depend on dates for their living.' Obaid's 150 trees, nurtured from saplings he planted 20 years ago, will this year yield 10 metric tons, around a third of a good harvest. That mirrors the damage to the nation's crop overall. War interrupted the seasonal routine of pollination, aerial pesticide spraying and irrigation." [the effects of the U.S. war on Iraq's number 2 money-crop is another story, but the time of harvest is again, confirmed by Ag-Pioneer.

In A Destiny With Dates on July 28, 2003, Terry McDermott wrote for the LATimes:

"ABU AL KHASIB, Iraq--In the basin of the Shatt al Arab waterway, it's 90 degrees at dawn and rising. They call these midsummer weeks in southern Iraq the palm oven days because it's in the intense heat of July that the sweetness of autumn is made -- the dates cook, the sugars burn and the flavor cures. Kamal Ayoob Khaleel, one man alone against an orchard of a couple of hundred trees, has this day begun the year's date palm harvest, the first of the post-Saddam Hussein era."

But the date trees in the U.S. Military's photos of "Saddam's Hideout" are only the beginning of the story that could wreck the Neocon/Bush regimes nefarious plans for the Middle East.

But there is more ... much more ...

SCOOP (NZ) published "Is US Govt. Capable Of Lying About Saddam Hussein?", an Axis of Logic Editorial on December 19.  Serious "Saddam Capture" questions were were raised in that article, which was  the #1 most read article on Scoop over the weekend. Folks, this story isn't "growing legs" - It's got legs.

Also, the read weekend news that the Kurds declared they had captured Saddam, drugged him and handed him over to the Americans for the multi-million $Reward is only one fly in the ointment of the Washington Regime.

On 12/18/03, David Adams, writing for The Guardian (UK) asked  "On December 17, in a Fox News interview, while musing about the alleged capture of Saddam Hussein, Madeline Albright said the Neocon/Bush regime may reveal bin Laden's capture as an "October surprise", just before the 2004 presidential elections.  We are now How did the US confirm Saddam's identity so quickly?hard-pressed to find the actual transcript of those comments on Fox News, but they are reported elsewhere, verbatum.  The actual transcript  Fox News is now downplaying Albright's comments featuring her claim that the comment was made "tongue in cheek". But Fox News analyst and Roll Call executive editor Mort Kondracke. "She was not smiling,"

Austria's Joerge Haider called the capture "slapstick" and a "real scam".He said that the US troops might have arrested a Saddam body-double, saying that DNA testing did not prove conclusively that they had captured the former Iraqi dictator. Haider told national television: "This may be one of his many doubles." The former leader of Austria's Freedom Party added, "The saliva tests they did - mean nothing if they did not have earlier specimens to which they could compare it."  Jewish groups of course, are attempting to marginalize Haider and his remarks as they have in the past - when he rose to power in Austria.

The entire story of the U.S. capture of Saddam Hussein smells like sour milk.  But the Neocon/Bush regime has gotten away with many lies about the war in Iraq, with the help of the corporate/state media in the U.S.  Their story about Saddam's "capture", no matter how fantastic, will be massaged into a believable myth for many Americans by major newspapers, television and Hollywood, just as the myth of heroic Jessica Lynch have been played - and just as the stories of Iraq's weapons of Iraq's have been used to lie us into killing tens of thousands of Iraqi people.  

However, until centralized power bottelnecks and controls the Internet, the truth will continue to be revealed by thousands of great alternative-news websites around the world.  The Internet is one phenomena that has cast a fly into the ointment of the tryanny of the State/Corporate Media that has ruled the minds of so many ... for so long.  Look for the government's strategic plans to throttle the truth in this great medium in the future.  Until then, activists for world peace will continue to wage the Mother of all Media Wars - of all time - against the fictions about the U.S. War on the Iraqi People and the U.S. military's "capture" of Saddam Hussein.

? Copyright 2003 by