Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones!
Stand by for insights so startling you will never look at the news the same
way again.
For many years, Christians have looked at the development of an implantable
device as one of THE signs that the Kingdom of Antichrist is drawing close. When
Digital Angel publicly began to promote their human implantable chip, Christians
the world over gasped in excitement that an implantable chip was now on the
world scene, being promoted for all the medical, financial, and personal
benefits it could provide the human host. When Digital Angel went public on Wall
Street, and when they began to get large orders, we all felt that the prophetic
time table was moving ever faster forward.
However, behind the scene and very quietly, that superscret DARPA
"Anti-terrorist" organization headed by Admiral John Poindexter began to pump
significant dollars of research behind a new implantable chip called MMEA, Multiple Micro Electrode Array. This chip is so far
ahead of the Digital Angel Veri-Chip product, it took my breath away. Once you
fully understand its capability, you will realize its probable full prophetic
significance, and will realize that we may have probably been pointed to Digital
Angel simply so we would not be aware of MMEA.
We shall present this information in a four-part series, as follows:
Part 1 -- The Science of MMEA and of Brain Machine Interface (BMI)
Part 2 -- DARPA Funding
Part 3 -- Possible Prophecy Implications -- Blending religion with science,
spiritual applications already being discussed
Part 4 -- MMEA - Is The Mark of the Beast Just Another "Satanic Insert" So
Commonly Used In Covens For Centuries?
Always, when discussing a matter that is both complex and ill-understood by
the reader, we need to properly identify key terms. There are two key terms we
must properly and clearly understand if we are to comprehend the importance of
this implantable chip coming upon mankind at this point in history. These two
terms are:
* BMI - Brain Machine Interface: Technically, this term defines the project on which
scientists are working, or the type of Hardware and Software used to connect the
Brain or Nervous system to a computer. Please understand that this chip is
designed to work within the nerves and soft tissue of the body in order to
gather electrical signals from the body and/or transmit electrical signals
received from the outside to the body through the nerves!
Brain Machine Interface is simply the computer software that will send out
the signal to the chip; therefore, BMI is the software that will interact with
the chip, to control the chip and the person in whom the chip is inserted!
* MMEA, Multiple Micro Electrode Array: Multiple Micro
Electrode Array, this is the actual Chip. This chip will be surgically implanted
directly into a human nerve or into specific area of the brain. The Chip at the
moment is a little smaller than a Tic Tac breath mint. The chip implanted into
the pioneer, a Professor Kevin Warwick, had 100 Electrodes; each electrode looks
like a small needle and is capable of detecting electric signals traveling
through the nervous system and also sending electrical signals to the nervous
system, this was all performed via a RF (Radio Frequency) device connected to
the MMEA.
As you can see already, this implantable chip is far ahead of anything
Digital Angel has on the market; further, MMEA is light-years ahead of the RFID
technology which retailers like Wal-Mart are racing into production. As we
unfold the science of this chip, you will see that it offers a repressive global
government the capability of controlling entire captive populations with a
sophisticated software program! You will clearly see how an entire population of
the earth might actually fulfill these prophetic verses:
"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor,
free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of
the beast, or the number of his name." [Rev 13:16-17]
Recording From Biological Tissue "The essential requirements for a working multiple-microelectrode to record
from biological tissue include:
1. A conductor forming the active electrode and the tracks, e.g. indium-tin
oxide (ITO), titanium nitride; Carefully contemplate the basic requirement listed above for an MMEA: "to
record from biological tissue"
One of the fundamental goals of the MMEA is to intercept and record
electrical impulses from biological tissue. Currently, extensive tests are being
carried out on human subjects to discover the exact electrical frequency of a
wide variety of human emotions, feelings, and various mechanical actions. Each
different emotion and/or feeling has a slightly different radio frequency!
Therefore, by intercepting and recording the exact frequency of each emotion
and/or feeling from their human test subjects, the exact frequency of each
feeling can be identified and then stored into the BMI -- Brain Machine
Interface software!
At some future point, a person may be sent a signal from an RF transmitter
that will give that person pleasure or pain, with the exact frequency coming
from the BMI software! Or, the exact frequency of various mechanical orders the
brain is continuously giving the muscles can be recorded and stored in the Brain
Machine Interface Software; this type of software capability seems to have great
promise for people suffering neural damage that prevents them from walking, for
How scientists plan on doing this in theory is very simple. A person's body
functions by small amounts of electrical energy sent in patterns that determines
what a person wants to do, operating much like the Binary Code of a Personal
Computer. The Brain acts a processor, sending electrical signals in proper
sequence throughout the nervous system to tell the specific parts of our body
what to do. These signals also travel back to our brains to tell us what we
Feel, See, Hear and Smell.
If we have a device implanted into a specific area of our nervous system
which has the ability to detect these electrical patterns and then transmit to a
computer with special software to record and analyze this data, we can, for
example, determine what types of electrical patterns make us move our leg up or
down. If this data was transferred to a central computer for analyzing and
storage then it could be transferred back to the nervous system. This data from
one person can even be transmitted to another person, or to many other persons,
making them move their leg up or down, or making them feel a great variety of
emotions and feelings, and/or do a variety of actions that the controller wants
them to do.
Instilling Thoughts In A Person's Brain
NEWS BRIEF: "Defense Department funding brain-machine work", Tuesday, August
5, 2003, BY GARETH COOK, The Boston Globe, reprinted in The Post and Courier,
Chareleston.net, http://www.charleston.net/stories/080503/wor_05darpa.shtml
"What most people don't know is that the Department of Defense is already
funding a research program with far creepier implications. The $24 million
enterprise called Brain Machine Interfaces is developing technology that
promises to directly read thoughts from a living brain -- and even instill
thoughts as well. The research, some of which is being done at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, is already surprisingly advanced. Monkeys in a
laboratory can control the movement of a robotic arm using only their thoughts.
And last year scientists in New York announced they could control the skittering
motions of a rat by implanting electrodes in its brain, steering it around the
lab floor as if it were a radio-controlled toy car."
"It does not take much imagination to see in this the makings of a
'Matrix'-like cyberpunk dystopia: chips that impose false memories, machines
that scan for wayward thoughts, cognitively augmented government security forces
that impose a ruthless order on a recalcitrant population. It is one thing to
propose a tasteless market for gambling on terrorism. It is quite another to set
some of the nation's top neuroscientists to work on mind control."
As you can see, this research is getting to be quite advanced. However, we
must not lose sight of the original brains behind this technology -- Professor
Kevin Warwick -- and how he and his wife are currently conducting very specific
Brief Bio of The Professor
The leading scientist in this entire field is Professor Kevin Warwick:
"Professor of Cybernetics at the University of Reading, UK where he carries out
research in artificial intelligence, control and robotics. Kevin has published
over 300 research papers and his latest paperback In the Mind of the Machines
gives a warning of a future in which machines are more intelligent than humans
... In 1998 he shocked the international scientific community by having a
silicon chip transponder surgically implanted in his left arm. A series of
further implant experiments have taken place in which Kevin�s nervous system was
linked to a computer ... Kevin's new implant experiment called 'Project Cyborg'
got underway in March 2002 and is providing exciting results."
The In/Out Principle
NEWS BRIEF: "Brain-Machine Interfaces: Current and Future Applications", CHI
Labs, , http://personal.bgsu.edu/~nberg/chilabs/bmi.htm
Did you catch the extremely important phrase? "create outputs from or
inputs to the brain that are additional to those that occur naturally".
In computer language, if there is a way out then there is a way in. Kevin
Warwick has already started work on this principle in experiments with his
wife; there is nothing mysterious here about their manner of exchanging
feelings. Basically, what is happening is simply understood; the electrical
signals that are detected by the MMEA in one person -- Kevin, for example,
touching his arm -- are transferred via RF from the Chips transceiver to a RF
receiver. This sends the signal to a remote computer for analysis and storage.
Then, if the command is given, the data can be forwarded to another person --
his wife in this current round of experiments -- who will have the same MMEA
Chip with I/O capability and an RF link. This chip will then be told by the RF
signal to send the same patterns of electrical signals to the nerve via the
electrodes which should in theory reproduce the same action and or feeling that
was originally performed and felt by Kevin.
In other words, if Keven touches his arm, his wife should feel a touching
sensation in her arm, in the same place and to the same degree that Kevin felt
it when he touched his arm. Theoretically, Kevin could touch his arm in London
and his wife could feel a touch in her arm in the same place and to the same
degree, even if she were in New York City!
Now, if this device will allow that type of activity, then the possibilities
are many, if not endless. For example, Kevin has the idea that pain such as the
type that comes from headaches have a specific electrical signal; we could
manipulate the nervous system to where we would no longer feel headaches. By
altering the electric current, we could also sedate people or reduce the affects
of stress by recording our emotional feelings on days that we are happy and
simply replay them on days we are feeling depressed. This is just the beginning
of possibilities that are being discussed.
If there is the possibility of manipulating people's mental and physical
feelings and actions, this MMEA tool would have many practical uses by the
medical community, by the individual, but most of all, by the government.
Imagine having the ability to direct much needed medicines via this technology
to a tumor deep in the brain and have these medicines eradicate a once-fatal
condition. Scientists at the University of Michigan are working on, this very
possibility right now.
But, we must also seriously consider the huge potential for tight control
over entire populations! It may be possible to sedate an entire population, or
to make them think the same thoughts at the same time! Can you imagine this kind
of weapon in the hands of the Illuminati, as they press toward their goal of
tightly controlling the whole world?
The Wireless Cloud Experiment
What government wouldn't want the ability to tranquilize a entire city during
a Riot, or better yet keep all of its citizens content or happy by continually
feeding them prerecorded emotions! Imagine how small Police Forces might become
if we could be controlled in this manner. Imagine how thrilled tyrants like
Adolf Hitler , Josef Stalin, or Saddam Hussein would have been had they had
devices like this, which could control the feelings and emotions of entire
Our government evidently understands the potential of control over entire
populations, as evidenced by their recent "Wireless Cloud Experiment"!
NEWS BRIEF: "How can people tap into a wireless 'cloud'?", By Marsha Walton,
CNN Sci-Tech, July 31, 2002.
"ATHENS, Georgia (CNN) -- Applications for a wireless "cloud" may not seem
obvious at first, but organizers of the high-tech project in Athens, Georgia,
say there are many ways in which it can be used. The University of Georgia has
joined with local government to create WAG, the Wireless Athens Group. They're
building a cloud over several blocks of the downtown area where anyone with the
right equipment can have free Internet access. The cloud now covers about three
blocks, and it will soon expand to 24.
CNN's Marsha Walton looks into how users can tap into it.
* Sports -- University of Georgia students already have successfully tested
some options ... They used wireless technology to provide instant replays on
personal digital assistants (PDAs) at a recent college baseball game. for the
really devoted (or lazy) fan, students have come up with a prototype for this
possibility: Beam your beer and snack order directly to a computer at the
concession stand, punch in your seat number, and the food will be delivered. You
never have to miss a pitch, a hit, or an argument with the umpire.
* Music -- On any given night in this college town, 40 bands might be taking
the stage at local bars and coffee houses. For a student unfamiliar with most of
the performers, and unwilling to part with a $3 cover charge for music he or she
doesn't like, the wireless "cloud" could provide a chance to sample a song or
two from some of these bands.
* Retail -- People walking out of class or an office and in a rush for lunch
could pull up a menu from a local restaurant, place an order, even pay online
via their PDA. By the time they walked a few blocks to the cafe, their food
would be ready to go.
* World market -- A wireless cloud in central or south America could empower
people who have little access to telecommunications infrastructure now ...
(customers will) be able to communicate at a very cheap rate."
However, this technology has a very dark lining. This same "Wireless Cloud"
hovering over a city can also communicate with, and control, MMEA chips
implanted in people! Conceivably, RF transmissions from this cloud could cause
everyone in whom this chip is implanted to feel euphoria, depression, or any
other emotion at the same time, totally at the will of the people controlling
the BMI software. If the controllers wanted to sedate the entire population,
they could easily do so. If they wanted to implant thoughts in the minds of the
people, they conceivably can implant them.
Therefore, when New Age writings say that thoughts will be implanted in
people's minds when "The Christ" arises, is this the technology which will
produce those implanted thoughts?
Cheap Technology Even Third World Nations Can Deploy
The Reason that wireless transmission is so cheap is that there is very
little hardware to install. All the hardware that is needed is a telecom link to
a city; this can be done via Satellite or Land Line Links. From this, all you
need to install is an RF transmitter and receiver on the tallest building in the
City. Anyone with the proper RF equipment would have constant internet access.
Most remote locations in the Third World are all currently running via RF and
Satellite uplinks; in most of these areas, existing phone lines are turn-of-the
Century Era Pulse. There are no Coin Digital Lines in many of these places, so
most people are using RF in some form for internet access and mobile phones for
voice communication; it is very doubtful they will ever run land lines again.
In this manner, Third World Nations seem further along in this particular
area than people in more advanced nations. RF is becoming popular world-wide,
and it won't be much longer before we see it more and more in day-to-day use
throughout the entire world.
Future Uses of the Social security Number and RF BMI
Before any person who wants to use this implantable MMEA chip in such a
manner that they can communicate via RF over the Internet, each MMEA chip must
contain a unique I.P. Address, especially if its intention is data transfer and
receiving. The person programming the MMEA chip for an individual would only
need to know that person's Social Security number; they could then program this
number in as an IP Address; they could even add that person's birthday as a
gateway address.
At this juncture, I remembered an understanding given a Methodist minister in
1798 that may have great bearing on this issue of an IP address. Listen:
Interestingly, this concept is being implemented by the European Union,
planning to use it on every person in the world! Listen:
Is the ultimate personal IP Address -- implanted in an MMEA chip in every
person on earth -- going to be this 18-digit number? In the occult, the number
'18' is a hidden "666", because '6+6+6 = 18'. Isn't it interesting that each
American citizen is currently given a 9-digit Social Security Number, plus a
9-digit Zip Code? Have Americans already been assigned our '18-digit IP
Imagine the up-to-date statistics the government would have also at any given
time. They would know how many people of a certain age group are alive without
even having to go any extra effort. This chip would again make law enforcement a
"piece of cake" as officers could know at any time, day or night, where a person
was located because of RF Positioning software plugged into the 18-digit IP
The average person would consider all this loss of privacy to be only be a
small inconvenience compared to all of the Medical and Personal benefits of the
BMI Chips. Because of the inferior education people have received since World
War II, the average citizen will not realize that a loss of individual privacy
equals the loss of individual freedoms. Since the inherent heart of man is
terribly wicked (Jeremiah 17:9), rulers in charge of governments at the time
this technology is in place will not take long to begin to scheme how to use
this second-by-second knowledge of every citizen's whereabouts as the means by
which to enslave them. In fact, rulers in charge when this technology was
beginning to be developed will immediately begin to scheme as to how they can
manipulate their citizenry to where they can take their freedoms away, and then
use this technology to keep them enslaved. To work this plan to perfection,
rulers need to make their plans as the technology is maturing, while keeping
their citizenry ignorant as to the ultimate role the technology will play in
enslaving them. The people will only be told how "beneficial" this new
technology will be and how it will enhance their life.
This fact is the reason it is so important that D.A.R.P.A. is heavily funding
this MMEA project! D.A.R.P.A. is part of Homeland Security, the agency taking
the lead in fomenting fear of the global terrorist threat that is planned to sow
the chaos and terror, out of which the order of the New World Order -- Kingdom
of Antichrist -- can be established. The fact they are funding MMEA research
shows the ultimate end for which this implantable chip is planned! We shall
fully cover D.A.R.P.A. funding in Part 2 of this series.
Our Founding Fathers knew that personal privacy was critical to maintaining
freedoms; therefore, they placed a high degree of emphasis on privacy in our
Constitution and Bill of Rights. Today, using the manufactured threat of global
terrorism as an excuse, President Bush and Attorney General Ashcroft have
demanded, and have received, the most dictatorial authority imaginable,
authority which allows government to take away our rights to privacy. Once this
new authority is coupled with this new RF technology using the MMEA chip, the
absolute, effective repression of an entire people is very possible.
In fact, this is the New World Order Plan!
Are you spiritually ready? Is your family? Are you adequately protecting your
loved ones? This is the reason for this ministry, to enable you to first
understand the peril facing you, and then help you develop strategies to warn
and protect your loved ones. Once you have been thoroughly trained, you can also
use your knowledge as a means to open the door of discussion with an unsaved
person. I have been able to use it many times, and have seen people come to
Jesus Christ as a result. These perilous times are also a time when we can reach
many souls for Jesus Christ, making an eternal difference.
If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, but have been very
lukewarm in your spiritual walk with Him, you need to immediately ask Him for
forgiveness and for renewal. He will instantly forgive you, and fill your heart
with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Then, you need to begin a daily walk of prayer
and personal Bible Study.
If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to realize
His reality and the approaching End of the Age, and want to accept His FREE Gift
of Eternal Life, you can also do so now, in the privacy of your home. Once you
accept Him as Savior, you are spiritually Born Again, and are as assured of
Heaven as if you were already there. Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom
of Antichrist will not touch you spiritually.
If you would like to become Born Again, turn to our Salvation Page now.
We hope you have been blessed by this ministry, which seeks to educate and
warn people, so that they can see the coming New World Order -- Kingdom of
Antichrist -- in their daily news.
Finally, we would love to hear from you.
You can contact us by mail or email.
God bless you.
Part 1: M.M.E.A: SO
Part 2: M.M.E.A:
Part 3: M.M.E.A: SEEN
Part 4: M.M.E.A.
Part 5: M.M.E.A.
ADVANCED IT CAN FULFILL REV 13:16-18! Part 1 of 4
Subtitle: We explain the actual
science of MMEA in this article so you can see how all humans on earth can be
completely controlled by this implantable chip! Emotions - fear, euphoria,
depression -- plus pleasure and pain, can be controlled and even caused, by R.F.
(Radio-Frequency signal)! Silent, large funding is occurring that soon will be
ready for "The Christ" to use once he arises. RFID is just the "tip of the
iceberg".[For full details of D.A.R.P.A., read NEWS1739]
"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich
and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their
foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or
the name of the beast, or the number of his name."
"... the whole earth went after the beast in
amazement and admiration." [Revelation 13:3; Parallel Bible,
KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary]
2. An electrical insulation layer, e.g.
polysiloxane, polyimide, or silicon nitride;
3. The microelectrode must be
biocompatible, resistant to a physiological saline environment and
sterilisation, and easily maintained in cell culture conditions for many days or
weeks."[Neuronal Networks Electrophysiology Laboratory, School of Biomedical
Sciences, University of Nottingham Medical School]
"The purpose of Brain-Machine Interface (BMI) research is to
create outputs from or inputs to the brain that are additional to those that
occur naturally. There are two possible directions of data flow (data from the
brain to outside machinery and data to the brain from outside machinery). In
whole, this research suggests that the brain is a much more adaptable organ
than it is commonly thought to be."
"In 1798, a Methodist Minister, Adam Clarke, wrote: 'The Mark of
the Beast will be an 18-digit number, 6+6+6' (Adam Clarke Unabridged Bible
Commentary; as quoted in "The New Money System: When Your Money Fails", by
Mary Stewart, Ph.D., 1983, p. 152).
"In 1977, Dr. Hanrick Eldeman, Chief Analyst for the European
Economic Community, announced that he was ready to begin assigning a number to
every person in the world; and that he plans to use a three six-digit unit, 18
Numbers." [Ibid.]